Thursday, July 21, 2022

Looking forward

In two short and yet so long weeks, we will close on our dream.  It's a house out in a rural area of our county, not unlike where we live now.  But the big difference is we will not be on a main road.  We will not be plagued with traffic noise (which is quite bad even though we aren't in a city).  And we will have 2.34 acres. That's 2 acres more than we have now.  And while I will miss things about this house like our beautiful kitchen that Mitch has worked so hard on with the help of others in  the last 4 months. We are ready to move on.

We went over to our new home last night and met with the owners.  We are taking  the animals they are leaving as they move on to find a bigger homestead in a new area and I needed to know how to care for the animals.  They are a lovely family of grandparents, parents and grandchildren, living and working together and they truly inspired me.  Sitting with others who are living the homesteading life just breathed life into me.  They have a compost pile, showed me where their garden was, told us what to do to take care of the enormous blueberry bushes and showed us the muscadine and scuppernong grapes they have.  I walked around, talked to Zeus, the alpaca, Jazz the goat, the Sebastapol goose, the two peacocks, the numerous chickens (one is currently sitting on a clutch of eggs) and the 4 guineas that roam the yard. And I couldn't be more excited to grow this already beautiful homestead.  On the way home Mitch and I talked of growing trees and how much we were in love with the place.  He wants to create an outdoor kitchen on the covered back patio and enclose the workshop.  I want to create a garden shed and a garden area.  We both see the potential and our excitement doubled after a few short hours with them. 

A lot needs to be done in our current home in the next two weeks.  We want to finish as much of the home repairs and renovations we have been doing so we can fully concentrate on the new house when we close on it.  So I have some painting to do and a lot of packing.  I dread and look forward to it.  I foresee some major decluttering in my future.  I want to simplify.  I want to enjoy the land and all it has to offer.  I want to live simply and create a beautiful life for my family. I'm coming to this life late, but better late than never and I look forward to all it has to offer me. 

So in two weeks we'll move our 27 chickens, our Great Pyrenees puppy, 2 cats, 2 sons and all of our things to this new place.  And I can't wait to see what happens next...

Looking forward

In two short and yet so long weeks, we will close on our dream.  It's a house out in a rural area of our county, not unlike where we liv...